Bienvenue Encore, Tout Le Monde. Welcome Back Everybody. It's blogging time! September was more eventful than I could ever hope for, in comparison to any month; in life thus far. Yet, here we are again, after the dust has settled, for another heaping of the monthly recap.
I worked a lot, then lived a little. C'est l'histoire de ma vie. In other words, "story of my life." Anyway, much like recent months, we are most definitely keeping the blog nice and light for this edition. Find below some interesting highlights accompanied by visuals. Videos were taken while trying to enjoy the moment, setting, and countryside. The ultimate goal was also to be present. It is so important to find the pleasure in the doing and not just the depiction. Visuals are of course not choreographed, or orchestrated for the fabrication of events. The footage is a little "rough around the edges" but a natural approach, can also be appreciated.
Lastly, I've included a poem that I crafted recently. I had previously thought about doing something pertaining to the theme, months ago. However, I found the inspiration and the words this past week. I have since realized it is the perfect representation of how I felt, while going through a difficult phase of life, on a particular street. I've channeled and redirected anger and emotions through art which I've found to be the most sophisticated approach. I hope you enjoy and find that it resonates.
I've committed to walking every week, for 3 consecutive months. Did I also mention I'm dancing everyday for a year? It's going good California. This is a nice little rest spot at the top of a climb. Although, not sure how private it'll be moving forward, after this month's blog post. Hehe... ;) 🍑
I also had time for Magic Mountain. Things almost went completely sideways here. Ultimately, almost still doesn't count and "all's well that ends well." Are we getting tired of these clichés yet? 🍒
I needed something a little more tame, after my phone got inadvertently swallowed by a manhole. But Jimmy Kimmel already had that punchline, and Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend had nothing to do with it. They weren't there...ROTFL 🌊
This drive reminds me of the bus ride in Maui. It's so funny how when you're in a new setting, even the bus feels fancy. Well, the bus we're actually on is kinda fancy. That's besides the point. LOL. 🕯
OHH, and we were on the way to a winery. 🍾
These day trips from LA are everything. In every direction adventure can be had, however many miles from home, or for however many hours you feel like driving. This is a solid 3.5 hours commute North, with two highways to choose from. For the scenic enthusiasts everywhere. 🎉
On the way back. The sun in the shot is lit. 🔥
The Central Coast where the wine grows. 🍷
The Central Coast where the food grows. 🥑
The paysage is thrilling, beautiful, and always available for admiration. 🎁
The most breathtaking view I've had the pleasure to behold in quite some time. I was literally floored, by this magnificence. Right at dusk the lighting was sublime and the lens does it no justice. WOW! 👑
One more time, for God's Green Earth. Quite an impressive lookout point on the way home from Paso Robles. ⚡️
I then took an urban walk through Silverlake in the City of Los Angeles. 🌴
Then I ate some junk-food.
Until next month, stay put! ;) As promised a poem. I hadn't felt inspired in a while, but it is after all a recurring theme. Sweet Dreams. 🏆
Fear Lived On A Street
Homeward bound
No unanimous sound
Still here, cause I’m shutting them down
All too eloquently
Was it something I said, on racism street?
I wanna attack
Because you are Black
I’ll never let up, on a wisecrack
Then deny all of that
All too prevalent on racism street
I wanna hear more about you
Cause I wanna share more about you
But I don’t care more about you
Than this version of events, I wanna steer more about you
Always the case on racism street
Compounding evidence
Inside my residence
You’d like to continue, in front of all your friends
This overwhelming hatred trend
On the rise, about racism street
What’s your filthy defense?
I’m more well known than all of them
Have we officially met?
Can’t watch me walk by, without sending a threat
It can't go unreported, on racism street
Are you humbled yet?
Because there was never an admission
Miles from your depiction
Not the person you were wishing
Was also living… on racism street
I guess I’ll get going
Not before you get to knowing
The comeback to the blows
You’ve all been throwing
Stays after me, walking the beat, on Redemption Street